Monday, May 4, 2015

I seem to have lost all my wisdom...

Hello all. I hope everyone is enjoying their (humid) month of May thus far. The first 3 days of May for me, were spent in my bed.

On April 30th, I went to the Oral Surgeon to get my wisdom teeth +2 taken out. I was very nervous for the weeks leading up to this day, but I knew I had to get the surgery. That morning, I went to work as normal and tried to not think about how the rest of the day was going to go. As I was driving to drop the kids off at school, my hands began to get a little clammy and I started to think about how much pain I was potentially going to be in. So I went home, got everything together, waited for Zach to come pick me up, went to the orthodontist to get my top wire taken off, walked around Target to kill a little bit of time then arrived at the Oral Surgeon's office. We checked in and waited about 10 minutes before they called me back. I walked back to the first room, the gal put the laughing gas on my face and put the butterfly IV needle in my arm. It all happened sort of fast. I will have to say the worst pain I felt that day was in fact the butterfly needle. I talked to the nurse for a little bit, she put a blanket over me and in walked the surgeon. I had met him before at my consultation so we chatted a little bit then he said he was going to give me the medicine. I tried as hard as I could to stay awake and remember everything, but within 3 seconds, I was out cold. I have no idea what time I went back for the surgery and I have no idea what time I woke up. I remember waking up in the waiting room, talking to the nurses about morel mushrooms???, then waking up again when it was time to go. I kind of remember talking to the surgeon, the nurse, and Zach. I also remember getting into Zach's car but after that, I was out again until we arrived at Walgreen's. Apparently while driving to Walgreen's, I was telling Zach the wrong directions and just being very stubborn. (Shocker, right?) I woke up at Walgreen's to go in and fill my prescription. I walked in with the ice pack around my face, went to the Pharmacy, sat down for a few minutes, got dizzy, went into the bathroom and got sick, pulled out the gauze a few minutes early, and we left Walgreen's. After driving a few blocks (from what I remember) I had Zach pull over so I could get sick again. It was not fun but I figured it was going to happen.

After doing all of that, I came home and took a nap (or two) while Zach took care of me. The rest of the day, I kept on top of the pain pills (1/2 of a hydrocodone every 4-6 hours) and felt pretty good. The next day (Friday) was okay because I spent a lot of the day in bed eating vanilla yogurt. That's it. Saturday was the worst day yet. I was in a lot of pain and the pain pills just didn't seem to help at all. I had no energy to get out of bed to get anything to eat and Zach was at a basketball tournament. I spent a lot of my day just laying in bed, crying (I know, what a baby!), and trying to sleep. When Zach got back, he made me chicken broth and I could finally fall asleep. Sunday was a lot better. I wasn't in as much pain, I was able to get out of the house with Barb and Tommy, and I only took one pain pill in the morning. It was incredible.

Today, I got to go to work and only took ibuprofen a few times throughout the day. The only thing that causes me any discomfort in my mouth is the upper right side where they took out two teeth, but other than that, I feel pretty great. Just another step in getting the straight teeth. :)

Have a good rest of the week everyone and thanks for reading! :)


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