Friday, June 27, 2014

hurts like heaven

Last night, Zach and I went on a 5 hour road trip and I fell in love with a little guy named Marty. My uncle Chris just got out of the hospital yesterday and he had been planning on getting a new puppy. But since he just got out, he couldn't drive 6 hours to get him so that's where Zach and I came into the picture. We drove from Ames to Winterset to pick up Marty and from there we went to Marshalltown to drop him off with my uncle Chris, aunt Morgan, and cousins Claire and Charlie. I told them on the way there that I was going to just take Marty back home with me because I had fallen in love with him. They didn't think it was such a great idea but I wasn't kidding. I tried talking Zach into letting me get a puppy but he said I should probably wait a little bit, darn! After we dropped him off, we enjoyed a nice meal at Hardee's. I know, how lame right? Wrong. We always talk about how good Hardee's is and we have tried to stop at a few but it never really worked out. Last night was a success in my book. I can't wait to get a puppy. (Not anytime in the near future, don't worry Mom.)

every teardrop is a waterfall

On this day 4 years ago, I lost my Grandpa Dick. I know that losing grandparents is becoming more and more common with people my age, seeing as we are growing up and they are growing older. I never thought I would lose him at such a young age. We had time to come to terms that he wasn't doing so well when he was diagnosed with Lou Gehrig's Disease. It is really sad to have to watch someone so close to you struggle with this but I know God had bigger plans for him and didn't want to see him in pain anymore. My grandpa was always there for me when I needed him. I would go on family vacations with him, stay at his house on the weekends, watch Cardinals games with him, go to the Adobe to get pizza and just sit and chat with him. I always thought growing up he would walk me down the aisle on my wedding day and someday I will find a way to have him do that. I miss him so much and in the 4 years that he's been gone, I still drive past his house & just envision him sitting in his big blue rocking chair. I wish he was still here with us. But I have the best guardian angel there is! I can't wait to see him on the other side and give him a big running hug. Love you, Bampa. xoxo

Thursday, June 26, 2014

a rush of blood to the head

Today was kind of an odd one. Long story short, I was looking at getting a new car as mine overheats and just isn't what I thought it was going to be when I bought it. (I got screwed over a little bit when I purchased my car in September.) The girls were such good sports about driving all over in the new car to test drive it/have a mechanic look at it. While the mechanic looked at the new car, the girls and I got to squeeze in some reading time at the Story City Library. We read a few good books then Briel read to us. She's getting so good! In the end, I didn't get the car. It needed more repairs than I thought and they weren't looking to budge on the price. Oh well, life goes on. I know I will find something.

After my semi-stressful day, Zach invited me over to have dinner with him. He was very compassionate and thoughtful because he knew I had a pretty tough day. We watched World War Z (which is becoming one of my favorite movies, so good!), made Panang Chicken, and played Scrabble with his brother, Jon. After all of that, Jon suggested we go to the tennis courts and play. If you know me at all, you will know that I am not the most athletic person in the world, but I was still willing to give it a try. I watched the boys for a while then I jumped in. For my first time I wasn't awful, but I still have a lot to work on. I even had the courage to bet Zach that I would serve it over the net and it would be a good one. Up goes the ball, across comes the racquet, they meet and soar over the net. Jon yells, "Good serve!" Looks like someone owes me dinner! :)

All in all, it was a good day. It had it's highs and lows, but maybe this was an unanswered prayer.

Monday, June 23, 2014

us against the world

Last week, Zach and I went on a long walk to discuss some big things coming up in our lives. Planning a trip to Colorado, moving to Des Moines, finding jobs down there, and moving forward with our lives. I have been really stressed out lately and just needed to get a lot of things off of my chest. Zach decided that rather than sitting inside and over-analyzing the situation, we should get out & get some fresh air. We were just going to go on a short walk around the block but ended up walking all through campus and down by Jack Trice. It was so relaxing to be able to walk around, talk to Zach, have him show me where all of his classes used to be, and build our relationship. From now on, we are going to try to do a walk weekly because it made both of us much happier. :)