Wednesday, July 16, 2014

and the big news is...

I know everyone is dying to know the big news I've been waiting to share. (or not) But it's very big news to me.

I have accepted a job in Des Moines as a nanny and I am moving down there August 10th!! I am VERY sad to be leaving the Wakefield's, Roland, and all of my babysitting families, but I know that this is the next step for me. Zach is also moving to Des Moines to live with his brother and sister-in law and start a new job. He hasn't gotten one yet, but I know he will find something great. We have decided not to move in together before marriage and I know sometimes it would be more convenient to live together, but we are holding off. We will still spend a lot of time together, but just not living under the same roof. The new family I will be working with has 3 kids. They are 7, 5, and 3. Two boys and a girl. I am going to be living with them for the first two months, then I will be moving into my own place with Penny. I am very excited for this new adventure but very nervous at the same time.

I know this really wasn't the news everyone was hoping for but hey, it's a big step!!

Thanks for reading, xoxo!

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