Saturday, July 5, 2014

speed of sound

The 4th of July is my favorite holiday and I love being able to celebrate it every year. It is so fun to get together with friend and family to celebrate and watch the fireworks. This year, we were lucky enough to be able to celebrate twice! On Thursday evening, Zach and I went to Fuji with Alex and Barb for sushi. It was delicious as always and the company was fantastic. Afterwards, we went to the Iowa State sports complex to play soccer and throw around a frisbee. Then when it became dark enough outside, we walked back over to watch the fireworks from the field. It was great. We only had to move once to the bleaches to be able to see the fireworks better. On the 4th, we went to Boone to spend time with my best friend Missy, her son Brayden, and her boyfriend, Nate. We went to Nate's parents house to celebrate his Dad's birthday then headed into town to watch the fireworks. As crazy as it may sound, the Boone fireworks were much better than the Ames ones. Shortly after the fireworks were over, we went back to Missy's apartment to shoot off some sparklers/fireworks and have a bonfire. Much needed friend time. This morning, I had an interview in Des Moines that went really well and I am excited to hear back from the family. This afternoon, we are headed back down to Des Moines for baby Abram's baptism! I can't wait. Hope everyone enjoyed their Fourth!! xoxo.

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